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Curing Systems

Founded in 1983 in the UK, the CDS group has an unprecedented level of expertise in a multitude of sectors, and an international reputation for delivering only the most innovative and efficient products, representing a versatile, multi-faceted network of organizations at the cutting edge of several industries.
CDS are industry leaders in the design and manufacture of complete Curing Systems, with an enviable track record of working with some of the world’s largest concrete producers.
Curing is the maintaining of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature in concrete during its early stages so that desired properties may develop. The curing process is essential for the production of concrete that will have the desired properties. Control of moisture loss and concrete temperature may not be necessary if ambient conditions are optimum; but, otherwise, curing procedures should begin as soon as required. During the required cure time, the concrete should be protected from premature drying, excessively hot or cold temperatures.
• Curing Systems
• Curing Racks & Chambers
• Acoustic Sound Rooms
• Steam Generators
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